Germinating Seeds

Germinating Seeds


I want to find out how to germinate seeds.



Tissue germination


  • Paper towel/cotton
  • Seed (any kind)
  • Container, plastic bag or plastic cup
  • Water
  • Gladwrap/lid


  1. Hydrate the seeds overnight.
  2. Get the equipment needed.
  3. soak the paper towel in water.
  4. place the seed onto the damp paper towel.
  5. fold the paper towel in half over the seed.
  6. Place the paper towel with the seed flat inside the container(plastic bag or plastic cup).
  7. label the container with your name.
  8. leave the container by a window or just in the range of sunlight.
  9. Water your plant every time you come into science




Germinating the seed was fun but it does take a long time for the seed to grow into a plant. We placed three seeds into the cup but only one ended up growing and the other two did not grow. The bean now has a flower growing at the top of the stork.


The seed took about 2 days before the seed started to sprout and then the sprout started to grow larger from then. We would top up the water every time we would enter the class to make sure the plant wouldn’t run out of water and die.

What does a seed need to grow

Water and oxygen.

How does a seed germinate?

They are placed in a cup with a wet tissue which the seed absorbs and gives the seed enough nutrients to grow into a plant. The radicle is part of the seed that sprouts first and then grows into the plant.

What comes out of the seed?

The first thing that came out of my seed was the roots then the plant stem started to sprout from the seed.


Nancy Wake


WALT: Write a biography about a famous New Zealander


Her name was Nancy Grace Augusta Wake

Born on the 30th of August 1912 in New Zealand, Wellington.

Charles Augustus Wake and Ella Rosier wake were Nancy’s parents. She had five siblings three sisters and two brothers and their names were Ruby Wake, Hazel Wake,Gladys Wake, Charles Wake, and Stanley Herbert Kitchener Wake.

She was born in New Zealand but her family moved to Australia when she was two years old. At the age of 16, she started to travel Europe and soon settled in France.

Nancy believed everyone should be treated the same.

She was taught how to read morse code on radios.

Nancys nickname was White mouse because she was tricky to catch and she was given the nickname by the nazis.

Nancy was a part of the French Resistance Special Operations in WW2

She went back home to find out her husband had been killed and tortured by the nazis because he wouldn’t tell them where she was.

The awards she earned were the George medal, Croix de la 1939-1945, Presidential medal of freedom, and the Medaille de la Resistance.



Ruru and the giant pouakai

RuRuru and the Giant Pouakai

We had to read a book in class and then make a DLO, a digital learning object. We use DLOs to show what we have learned from our collected information. So I made a mindmup to show what I learned from the book

This book was interesting to read. I really like this book and I have a question for you have you ever read this book?. Have a nice day.

Van Gogh Impasto

Van Gogh Impasto


Van Gogh is a popular painter and also became famous after he died. some people may not know his name like I didn’t but most people will know the art he has made. 
But this blog is just for school work purpose and just to prove that I have awnser the questions that i am ment to awnser. 
  1. What does the word impasto mean? Look up the word in, then type your answer here: impasto shows the texture of the tool they use like a pallet knife or a brush
  2. How can impasto brushstrokes express emotions?movement was one of the ways to make the paint show emotion.
  3. Was Van Gogh one of the first painters to use the impasto technique? Yes but No, it was an Italian painter named Titian who first made it but Van Gogh was one of the first people to use impasto 


This is one of his most popular painting but there is other painting that he is known for.

Woman’s Day

Woman’s Day

International Women’s Day is always celebrated annually on March 8 every year and is a day that commemorates the social, political, and economic achievements of women. Women in different parts of the world use this day to come together to celebrate one another and rally for equal treatment and representation, but meeting up with other people from other countries is not allowed this year because of covid 19, but women and others can meet up from the same country or just talk online.

Women that became famous for standing up for women’s rights



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